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Their bodies Doomed will suffer in hell reduced to ashes their tormented souls. Hedonist satiated of pleasure I’ll watch, while their moans fulfill with hatred my black heart
Condenados sus cuerpos sufriran en el infierno hasta que solo queden cenizas de sus almas atormentadas, hedonista observaré saciado de placer mientras sus lamentos llenan mi negro corazon de odio.


Deströyer 666 - Six Songs with the Devil

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El mongolo del Foro xD
El mongolo del Foro xD

Cantidad de envíos : 146
Edad : 35
Localización : noruega
Firma : Deströyer 666 - Six Songs with the Devil Proyecto%20k6
Puntos mejores post : 7
Fecha de inscripción : 02/11/2008

Deströyer 666 - Six Songs with the Devil Vide
MensajeTema: Deströyer 666 - Six Songs with the Devil   Deströyer 666 - Six Songs with the Devil I_icon_minitimeMiér 19 Mayo - 15:30

Deströyer 666 - Six Songs with the Devil 223_logo

Blackened Thrash/Death Metal

Lyrical theme(s)
Satanism, War, Nihilism, Blasphemy

Deströyer 666 - Six Songs with the Devil
Deströyer 666 - Six Songs with the Devil 1159

1. Hail to Destruction 01:41
2. An Endless Stream of Bombers 02:36
3. Long Live Death 02:28
4. Song for a Devil's Son - Destroyer 05:52
5. Like Bloody Rabid Wolves Unleashed from Chains 03:18
6. Outro: Onwards to Arktogaa 01:57

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Deströyer 666 - Six Songs with the Devil

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